Air Lock

Negates weather effects.

Natural Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability when you find them in the wild.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total

Hidden Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability as their hidden ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total

Tutored Ability

The following Pokémon can be taught this ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Shleepy Blaze
65 44 48 43 56 54 310
Privinee Blaze
88 61 76 55 73 77 430
Flairdries Blaze
105 75 101 70 91 103 545
Zubat Inner Focus
40 45 35 55 30 40 245
Golbat Inner Focus
75 80 70 90 65 75 455
Crobat Inner Focus
85 90 80 130 70 80 535
Staraptor Intimidate
85 120 70 100 50 60 485
Birrobird Keen Eye
Big Pecks
Gale Wings
46 54 43 67 47 43 300
Eageleag Keen Eye
Big Pecks
Gale Wings
61 78 62 98 57 64 420
Griffogrif Keen Eye
Big Pecks
Gale Wings
90 104 74 122 68 82 540
Dartrix Overgrow
Long Reach
78 75 75 52 70 70 420
Decidueye Overgrow
Long Reach
78 107 75 70 100 100 530
Fizzix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
38 33 50 50 54 100 325
Gravitomix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
65 30 59 81 95 210 540
Xatu Synchronize
Early Bird
Magic Bounce
65 75 70 95 95 70 470
Amunatu Synchronize
Early Bird
Magic Bounce
75 80 80 115 115 75 540
Aerodactyl Rock Head
80 105 65 130 60 75 515
Murkrow Insomnia
Super Luck
60 85 42 91 85 42 405
Honchkrow Insomnia
Super Luck
100 125 52 71 105 52 505
Talonflame Flame Body
Gale Wings
78 81 71 126 74 69 499
Skarmory Keen Eye
Weak Armor
65 80 140 70 40 70 465
Skarmoros Heavy Metal
75 110 150 90 40 80 545
Resuraketh Serene Grace
Dragons Maw
160 80 60 90 130 80 600
Charizard Blaze
Solar Power
78 84 78 100 109 85 534
Salamence Intimidate
95 135 80 100 110 80 600
Altaria Natural Cure
Cloud Nine
75 70 90 80 70 105 490
Togetic Hustle
Serene Grace
Super Luck
55 40 85 40 80 105 405
Togekiss Hustle
Serene Grace
Super Luck
85 50 95 80 120 115 545
Flapple Ripen
70 110 80 70 95 60 485
Smeargle Own Tempo
55 20 35 75 20 45 250
Rufflet Keen Eye
Sheer Force
80 83 50 60 37 50 360
Braviary Keen Eye
Sheer Force
110 123 75 80 57 75 520
Noivern Frisk
85 70 80 123 97 80 535