Iron Fist

Boosts punching moves.

Natural Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability when you find them in the wild.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Demichu Iron Fist 60 105 85 110 90 50 500
Zigglygruf Cute Charm
Iron Fist
160 120 60 50 90 70 550
Crabrawler Hyper Cutter
Iron Fist
Anger Point
47 82 57 63 42 47 338
Crabominable Hyper Cutter
Iron Fist
Anger Point
97 132 77 43 62 67 478
Golett Iron Fist
No Guard
59 74 50 35 35 50 303
Golurk Iron Fist
No Guard
89 124 80 55 55 80 483
Silgaunt Infiltrator
Iron Fist
Shadow Tag
65 90 75 130 60 115 535

Hidden Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability as their hidden ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Timburr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
75 80 55 35 25 35 305
Gurdurr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
85 105 85 40 40 50 405
Conkeldurr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
105 140 95 45 55 65 505

Tutored Ability

The following Pokémon can be taught this ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Poliwhirl Water Absorb
Swift Swim
65 65 65 90 50 50 385
Poliwrath Water Absorb
Swift Swim
90 95 95 70 70 90 510
Politoed Water Absorb
90 75 75 70 90 100 500
Demichu Iron Fist 60 105 85 110 90 50 500
Beldum Clear Body
Light Metal
40 55 80 30 35 60 300
Metang Clear Body
Light Metal
60 75 100 50 55 80 420
Metagross Clear Body
Light Metal
80 135 130 70 95 90 600
Aggron Sturdy
Rock Head
Heavy Metal
70 110 180 50 60 60 530
Minitaur Intimidate
Anger Point
Sheer Force
54 78 60 67 34 57 350
Maxhitaur Intimidate
Anger Point
80 130 100 65 85 90 550
Zigglygruf Cute Charm
Iron Fist
160 120 60 50 90 70 550
Dusknoir Pressure 45 100 135 45 65 135 525
Bewear Fluffy
120 125 80 60 55 60 500
Utabazai Battle Armor
Tough Claws
117 112 122 76 65 108 600
Grimmsnarl Prankster
95 120 65 60 95 75 510
Smeargle Own Tempo
55 20 35 75 20 45 250
Timburr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
75 80 55 35 25 35 305
Gurdurr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
85 105 85 40 40 50 405
Conkeldurr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
105 140 95 45 55 65 505
Riolu Steadfast
Inner Focus
40 70 40 60 35 40 285
Lucario Steadfast
Inner Focus
70 110 70 90 115 70 525
Miltank Thick Fat
Sap Sipper
95 80 105 100 40 70 490
Electivire Motor Drive
Vital Spirit
75 123 67 95 95 85 540
Crabrawler Hyper Cutter
Iron Fist
Anger Point
47 82 57 63 42 47 338
Crabominable Hyper Cutter
Iron Fist
Anger Point
97 132 77 43 62 67 478
Golett Iron Fist
No Guard
59 74 50 35 35 50 303
Golurk Iron Fist
No Guard
89 124 80 55 55 80 483
Silhou Infiltrator
Run Away
Shadow Tag
30 60 40 155 30 75 390
Silgaunt Infiltrator
Iron Fist
Shadow Tag
65 90 75 130 60 115 535