
KOs raise Sp. Atk.

Natural Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability when you find them in the wild.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total

Hidden Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability as their hidden ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total

Tutored Ability

The following Pokémon can be taught this ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Raiad Torrent
Cute Charm
43 41 45 51 65 65 310
Rusalka Torrent
Cute Charm
74 54 63 64 95 80 430
Fallsheer Torrent
90 75 85 70 115 110 545
Goodra Sap Sipper
90 100 70 80 110 150 600
Vulpix Flash Fire
38 41 40 65 50 65 299
Ninetales Flash Fire
73 76 75 100 81 100 505
Neinsoul Flash Fire
Cursed Body
Eerie Surge
80 87 100 67 71 100 505
Vulpowder Snow Cloak
Snow Warning
38 41 40 65 50 65 299
Ninefluffs Snow Cloak
Snow Warning
73 67 75 109 81 100 505
Totemna Magic Guard
Magic Bounce
44 46 74 33 61 67 325
Pskulpt Magic Guard
Magic Bounce
54 56 101 38 93 98 440
Espatch Magic Guard
Magic Bounce
64 66 134 42 111 133 550
Xatu Synchronize
Early Bird
Magic Bounce
65 75 70 95 95 70 470
Amunatu Synchronize
Early Bird
Magic Bounce
75 80 80 115 115 75 540
Smoochum Oblivious
45 30 15 65 85 65 305
Jynx Oblivious
Dry Skin
65 50 35 95 115 95 455
Sarphon Mummy
Drowsy Aura
100 41 81 20 67 46 355
Aerophagus Mummy
Drowsy Aura
135 62 120 41 95 62 515
Sylveon Cute Charm
Cute Charm
95 65 65 60 110 130 525
Happiny Natural Cure
Serene Grace
Friend Guard
100 5 5 30 15 65 220
Chansey Natural Cure
Serene Grace
250 5 5 50 35 105 450
Blissey Natural Cure
Serene Grace
255 10 10 55 75 135 540
Phenyxy Serene Grace
Magma Surge
100 50 45 55 80 45 375
Resuraketh Serene Grace
Dragons Maw
160 80 60 90 130 80 600
Solosis Overcoat
Magic Guard
45 30 40 20 105 50 290
Duosion Overcoat
Magic Guard
65 40 50 30 125 60 370
Reuniclus Overcoat
Magic Guard
110 65 75 30 125 85 490
Togepi Hustle
Serene Grace
Super Luck
35 20 65 20 40 65 245
Togetic Hustle
Serene Grace
Super Luck
55 40 85 40 80 105 405
Togekiss Hustle
Serene Grace
Super Luck
85 50 95 80 120 115 545
Smeargle Own Tempo
55 20 35 75 20 45 250
Toxtricity Punk Rock
75 98 70 75 114 70 502
Ludicolo Swift Swim
Rain Dish
Own Tempo
80 70 70 70 90 100 480