
Moves hit through abilities.

Natural Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability when you find them in the wild.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total

Hidden Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability as their hidden ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total

Tutored Ability

The following Pokémon can be taught this ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Photoguar Overgrow
75 110 85 115 90 70 545
Fizzix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
38 33 50 50 54 100 325
Gravitomix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
65 30 59 81 95 210 540
Smeargle Own Tempo
55 20 35 75 20 45 250
Vaileye Unnerve
No Guard
Bad Dreams
85 50 15 90 75 60 375
Bloodnaut Unnerve
No Guard
Bad Dreams
115 90 25 90 125 90 535