
Ignores stat changes.

Natural Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability when you find them in the wild.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total

Hidden Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability as their hidden ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Clefable Cute Charm
Magic Guard
95 70 73 60 95 90 483

Tutored Ability

The following Pokémon can be taught this ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Kipvine Overgrow
45 65 42 65 41 52 310
Plaguar Overgrow
63 95 65 92 50 65 430
Photoguar Overgrow
75 110 85 115 90 70 545
Shleepy Blaze
65 44 48 43 56 54 310
Privinee Blaze
88 61 76 55 73 77 430
Flairdries Blaze
105 75 101 70 91 103 545
Zubat Inner Focus
40 45 35 55 30 40 245
Golbat Inner Focus
75 80 70 90 65 75 455
Crobat Inner Focus
85 90 80 130 70 80 535
Scuiret Pickup
Cheek Pouch
41 55 43 70 38 38 285
Pteroret Pickup
Cheek Pouch
66 72 129 36 48 61 412
Psyduck Damp
Cloud Nine
Swift Swim
50 52 48 55 65 50 320
Golduck Damp
Cloud Nine
Swift Swim
80 82 78 85 95 80 500
Malduck Damp
Cloud Nine
85 82 78 100 110 85 540
Skitty Cute Charm
Wonder Skin
50 45 45 50 35 35 260
Delcatty Cute Charm
Wonder Skin
70 65 65 90 55 55 400
Cutbit Run Away
Tangled Feet
46 38 34 76 53 53 300
Flabbit Volt Absorb
Tangled Feet
67 45 50 95 83 90 430
Blitzrdrix Volt Absorb
Tangled Feet
72 80 76 105 100 117 550
Sandshrew Sand Veil
Sand Rush
50 75 85 40 20 30 300
Sandslash Sand Veil
Sand Rush
75 100 110 65 45 55 450
Phanpy Pickup
Sand Veil
90 60 60 40 40 40 330
Donphan Sturdy
Sand Veil
90 120 120 50 60 60 500
Snover Snow Warning
60 62 50 40 62 60 334
Abomasnow Snow Warning
90 92 75 60 92 85 494
Swinub Oblivious
Snow Cloak
Thick Fat
50 50 40 50 30 30 250
Piloswine Oblivious
Snow Cloak
Thick Fat
100 100 80 50 60 60 450
Mamoswine Oblivious
Snow Cloak
Thick Fat
110 130 80 80 70 60 530
Natu Synchronize
Early Bird
Magic Bounce
40 50 45 70 70 45 320
Xatu Synchronize
Early Bird
Magic Bounce
65 75 70 95 95 70 470
Amunatu Synchronize
Early Bird
Magic Bounce
75 80 80 115 115 75 540
Gropp Oblivious
78 61 104 20 38 49 350
Cyclobber Oblivious
137 90 128 30 58 92 535
Slowpoke Oblivious
Own Tempo
90 65 65 15 40 40 315
Slowbro Oblivious
Own Tempo
95 75 110 30 100 80 490
Slowking Oblivious
Own Tempo
95 75 80 30 100 110 490
Smeargle Own Tempo
55 20 35 75 20 45 250
Numel Oblivious
Own Tempo
60 60 40 35 65 45 305
Camerupt Magma Armor
Solid Rock
Anger Point
70 100 70 40 105 75 460
Cryorupt Battle Armor
Snow Warning
Slush Rush
85 90 70 30 115 70 460
Morelull Illuminate
Effect Spore
Rain Dish
40 35 55 15 65 75 285
Shiinotic Illuminate
Effect Spore
Rain Dish
60 45 80 30 90 100 405
Carcinodjinn Liquid Ooze
Poison Heal
100 70 70 60 115 120 535
Miltank Thick Fat
Sap Sipper
95 80 105 100 40 70 490
Nemelt Blaze
Flame Body
49 65 65 43 44 44 310
Varaflare Blaze
Flame Body
70 95 83 55 61 66 430
Komodor Blaze
90 110 115 75 70 85 545
Clefable Cute Charm
Magic Guard
95 70 73 60 95 90 483
Cranisect Moxie
Shadow Tag
38 60 70 44 41 42 295
Skultulant Moxie
125 93 82 42 88 85 515
Inkay Contrary
Suction Cups
53 54 53 45 37 46 288
Malamar Contrary
Suction Cups
86 92 88 73 68 75 482