Vital Spirit

Prevents sleep.

Natural Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability when you find them in the wild.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Delibird Vital Spirit
45 55 45 75 65 45 330
Lillipup Vital Spirit
Run Away
45 60 45 55 25 45 275
Vigoroth Vital Spirit 80 80 80 90 55 55 440

Hidden Ability

The following Pokémon can have this ability as their hidden ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Elekid Static
Vital Spirit
45 63 37 95 65 55 360
Electabuzz Static
Vital Spirit
65 83 57 105 95 85 490
Electivire Motor Drive
Vital Spirit
75 123 67 95 95 85 540

Tutored Ability

The following Pokémon can be taught this ability.
Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Raiad Torrent
Cute Charm
43 41 45 51 65 65 310
Rusalka Torrent
Cute Charm
74 54 63 64 95 80 430
Fallsheer Torrent
90 75 85 70 115 110 545
Pichu Static
Lightning Rod
20 40 15 60 35 35 205
Pikachu Static
Lightning Rod
35 55 40 90 50 50 320
Raichu Static
Lightning Rod
60 90 55 110 90 80 485
Kinetichu Surge Surfer
Surge Surfer
60 85 50 110 95 85 485
Mafichu Defiant 60 120 55 110 90 65 500
Demichu Iron Fist 60 105 85 110 90 50 500
Delibird Vital Spirit
45 55 45 75 65 45 330
Totemna Magic Guard
Magic Bounce
44 46 74 33 61 67 325
Pskulpt Magic Guard
Magic Bounce
54 56 101 38 93 98 440
Espatch Magic Guard
Magic Bounce
64 66 134 42 111 133 550
Minitaur Intimidate
Anger Point
Sheer Force
54 78 60 67 34 57 350
Maxhitaur Intimidate
Anger Point
80 130 100 65 85 90 550
Tauros Intimidate 75 100 95 110 40 70 490
Smeargle Own Tempo
55 20 35 75 20 45 250
Archigloom Menace
89 94 90 78 94 90 535
Lillipup Vital Spirit
Run Away
45 60 45 55 25 45 275
Herdier Intimidate
Sand Rush
65 80 65 60 35 65 370
Stoutland Intimidate
Sand Rush
85 110 90 80 45 90 500
Vigoroth Vital Spirit 80 80 80 90 55 55 440
Rufflet Keen Eye
Sheer Force
80 83 50 60 37 50 360
Braviary Keen Eye
Sheer Force
110 123 75 80 57 75 520
Toxtricity Punk Rock
75 98 70 75 114 70 502
Ludicolo Swift Swim
Rain Dish
Own Tempo
80 70 70 70 90 100 480
Carcinodjinn Liquid Ooze
Poison Heal
100 70 70 60 115 120 535
Combee Honey Gather
30 30 42 70 30 42 244
Vespiquen Pressure
70 80 102 40 80 102 474
Elekid Static
Vital Spirit
45 63 37 95 65 55 360
Electabuzz Static
Vital Spirit
65 83 57 105 95 85 490
Electivire Motor Drive
Vital Spirit
75 123 67 95 95 85 540
Anphage Anger Point
Strong Jaw
Jump Scare
48 68 53 55 30 52 306
Tusgoyf Anger Point
Strong Jaw
Jump Scare
82 82 73 55 47 68 407
Llurscayf Anger Point
Strong Jaw
Jump Scare
100 107 90 120 58 85 560