Version 0.3.2
Voyager New Moves

Fire Punch

Type Category PP Power Accuracy Description
15 75 100 A fiery punch that may burn the foe.


Name Type Level Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Demichu Evolve Iron Fist 60 105 85 110 90 50 500
Zigglygruf Evolve Cute Charm
Iron Fist
160 120 60 50 90 70 550
Dusknoir 1 Pressure 45 100 135 45 65 135 525
Ampharos 1 Static
90 75 85 55 115 90 510
Blaziken 1 Blaze
Speed Boost
80 120 70 80 110 70 530
Electivire 1 Motor Drive
Vital Spirit
75 123 67 95 95 85 540


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Elekid Static
Vital Spirit
45 63 37 95 65 55 360
Gastly Levitate
30 35 30 80 100 35 310


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Goodra Sap Sipper
90 100 70 80 110 150 600
Demichu Iron Fist 60 105 85 110 90 50 500
Sudowoodo Sturdy
Rock Head
70 100 115 30 30 65 410
Fizzix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
38 33 50 50 54 100 325
Gravitomix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
65 30 59 81 95 210 540
Cubone Rock Head
Lightning Rod
Battle Armor
50 50 95 35 40 50 320
Marowak Rock Head
Lightning Rod
Battle Armor
60 80 110 45 50 80 425
Marowail Cursed Body
Lightning Rod
Rock Head
60 80 110 45 50 80 425
Gropp Oblivious
78 61 104 20 38 49 350
Cyclobber Oblivious
137 90 128 30 58 92 535
Sableye Keen Eye
50 75 75 50 65 65 380
Aggron Sturdy
Rock Head
Heavy Metal
70 110 180 50 60 60 530
Chansey Natural Cure
Serene Grace
250 5 5 50 35 105 450
Blissey Natural Cure
Serene Grace
255 10 10 55 75 135 540
Charmander Blaze
Solar Power
39 52 43 65 60 50 309
Charmeleon Blaze
Solar Power
58 64 58 80 80 65 405
Charizard Blaze
Solar Power
78 84 78 100 109 85 534
Jigglypuff Cute Charm
Friend Guard
115 45 20 20 45 25 270
Wigglytuff Cute Charm
140 70 45 45 75 50 425
Zigglygruf Cute Charm
Iron Fist
160 120 60 50 90 70 550
Dusclops Pressure 40 70 130 25 60 130 455
Dusknoir Pressure 45 100 135 45 65 135 525
Ralts Synchronize
28 25 25 40 45 35 198
Kirlia Synchronize
38 35 35 50 65 55 278
Gardevoir Synchronize
68 65 65 80 125 115 518
Gallade Steadfast
68 125 65 80 65 115 518
Flaaffy Static
70 55 55 45 80 60 365
Ampharos Static
90 75 85 55 115 90 510
Utabazai Battle Armor
Tough Claws
117 112 122 76 65 108 600
Reuniclus Overcoat
Magic Guard
110 65 75 30 125 85 490
Grimmsnarl Prankster
95 120 65 60 95 75 510
Munchlax Pickup
Thick Fat
135 85 40 5 40 85 390
Snorlax Immunity
Thick Fat
160 110 65 30 65 110 540
Flygon Levitate
80 100 80 100 80 80 520
Rhydon Lightning Rod
Rock Head
105 130 120 40 45 45 485
Rhyperior Lightning Rod
Solid Rock
115 140 130 40 55 55 535
Tyranitar Sand Stream
100 134 110 61 95 100 600
Grimer Stench
Sticky Hold
Poison Touch
80 80 50 25 40 50 325
Muk Stench
Sticky Hold
Sticky Hold
105 105 75 50 65 100 500
Slakoth Truant 60 60 60 30 35 35 280
Vigoroth Vital Spirit 80 80 80 90 55 55 440
Slaking Truant 150 160 100 100 95 65 670
Toxtricity Punk Rock
75 98 70 75 114 70 502
Heliolisk Dry Skin
Sand Veil
Solar Power
62 55 52 109 109 94 481
Lombre Swift Swim
Rain Dish
Own Tempo
60 50 50 50 60 70 340
Ludicolo Swift Swim
Rain Dish
Own Tempo
80 70 70 70 90 100 480
Timburr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
75 80 55 35 25 35 305
Gurdurr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
85 105 85 40 40 50 405
Conkeldurr Guts
Sheer Force
Iron Fist
105 140 95 45 55 65 505
Combusken Blaze
Speed Boost
60 85 60 55 85 60 405
Blaziken Blaze
Speed Boost
80 120 70 80 110 70 530
Miltank Thick Fat
Sap Sipper
95 80 105 100 40 70 490
Elekid Static
Vital Spirit
45 63 37 95 65 55 360
Electabuzz Static
Vital Spirit
65 83 57 105 95 85 490
Electivire Motor Drive
Vital Spirit
75 123 67 95 95 85 540
Coalossal Steam Engine
Flame Body
Flash Fire
110 80 120 30 80 90 510
Clefairy Cute Charm
Magic Guard
Friend Guard
70 45 48 35 60 65 323
Clefable Cute Charm
Magic Guard
95 70 73 60 95 90 483
Gastly Levitate
30 35 30 80 100 35 310
Haunter Levitate
45 50 45 95 115 55 405
Gengar Cursed Body
Cursed Body
60 65 60 110 130 75 500
Golett Iron Fist
No Guard
59 74 50 35 35 50 303
Golurk Iron Fist
No Guard
89 124 80 55 55 80 483
Silhou Infiltrator
Run Away
Shadow Tag
30 60 40 155 30 75 390
Silgaunt Infiltrator
Iron Fist
Shadow Tag
65 90 75 130 60 115 535