Version 0.3.2
Voyager New Moves

Fire Spin

Type Category PP Power Accuracy Description
15 35 85 Traps the foe in a ring of fire for 2 to 5 turns.


Name Type Level Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Vulpix 15 Flash Fire
38 41 40 65 50 65 299
Flareon 35 Flash Fire
Flash Fire
65 130 60 65 95 110 525
Resuraketh 30 Serene Grace
Dragons Maw
160 80 60 90 130 80 600
Charmander 32 Blaze
Solar Power
39 52 43 65 60 50 309
Charmeleon 42 Blaze
Solar Power
58 64 58 80 80 65 405
Charizard 46 Blaze
Solar Power
78 84 78 100 109 85 534
Litwick 7 Flash Fire
Flame Body
50 30 55 20 65 55 275
Lampent 7 Flash Fire
Flame Body
60 40 60 55 95 60 370
Volcarona 30 Flame Body
85 60 65 100 135 105 550
Torchic 19 Blaze
Speed Boost
45 60 40 45 70 50 310
Sizzlipede 35 Flash Fire
White Smoke
Flame Body
50 65 45 45 50 50 305
Centiskorch 39 Flash Fire
White Smoke
Flame Body
100 115 65 65 90 90 525


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Houndour Early Bird
Flash Fire
45 60 30 65 80 50 330
Growlithe Intimidate
Flash Fire
55 70 45 60 70 50 350


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Shleepy Blaze
65 44 48 43 56 54 310
Privinee Blaze
88 61 76 55 73 77 430
Flairdries Blaze
105 75 101 70 91 103 545
Houndour Early Bird
Flash Fire
45 60 30 65 80 50 330
Houndoom Early Bird
Flash Fire
75 90 50 95 110 80 500
Vulpix Flash Fire
38 41 40 65 50 65 299
Ninetales Flash Fire
73 76 75 100 81 100 505
Neinsoul Flash Fire
Cursed Body
Eerie Surge
80 87 100 67 71 100 505
Marowail Cursed Body
Lightning Rod
Rock Head
60 80 110 45 50 80 425
Flareon Flash Fire
Flash Fire
65 130 60 65 95 110 525
Charmander Blaze
Solar Power
39 52 43 65 60 50 309
Charmeleon Blaze
Solar Power
58 64 58 80 80 65 405
Charizard Blaze
Solar Power
78 84 78 100 109 85 534
Torkoal White Smoke
Shell Armor
70 85 140 20 85 70 470
Torkyllium White Smoke
Shell Armor
80 95 160 10 105 95 545
Altaria Natural Cure
Cloud Nine
75 70 90 80 70 105 490
Growlithe Intimidate
Flash Fire
55 70 45 60 70 50 350
Arcanine Intimidate
Flash Fire
90 110 80 95 100 80 555
Litwick Flash Fire
Flame Body
50 30 55 20 65 55 275
Lampent Flash Fire
Flame Body
60 40 60 55 95 60 370
Chandelure Flash Fire
Flame Body
60 55 90 80 145 90 520
Volcarona Flame Body
85 60 65 100 135 105 550
Kroaea Storm Drain
65 82 52 68 86 62 415
Kroaeakaoa Storm Drain
91 92 72 86 123 86 550
Torchic Blaze
Speed Boost
45 60 40 45 70 50 310
Combusken Blaze
Speed Boost
60 85 60 55 85 60 405
Blaziken Blaze
Speed Boost
80 120 70 80 110 70 530
Sizzlipede Flash Fire
White Smoke
Flame Body
50 65 45 45 50 50 305
Centiskorch Flash Fire
White Smoke
Flame Body
100 115 65 65 90 90 525
Carkol Steam Engine
Flame Body
Flash Fire
80 60 90 50 60 70 410
Coalossal Steam Engine
Flame Body
Flash Fire
110 80 120 30 80 90 510
Nemelt Blaze
Flame Body
49 65 65 43 44 44 310
Varaflare Blaze
Flame Body
70 95 83 55 61 66 430
Komodor Blaze
90 110 115 75 70 85 545
Xenofuge Solar Being 80 70 120 60 95 105 530