Version 0.3.2
Voyager New Moves

Raptor Wreck

Type Category PP Power Accuracy Description
15 120 100 The user furiously batters the foe and recoils.


Name Type Level Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Ovarapt 56 Battle Armor
Tough Claws
52 79 94 22 35 108 390
Velokota 56 Mold Breaker
Tough Claws
63 94 79 110 46 68 460
Utabazai 56 Battle Armor
Tough Claws
117 112 122 76 65 108 600


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Staraptor Intimidate
85 120 70 100 50 60 485
Ovarapt Battle Armor
Tough Claws
52 79 94 22 35 108 390
Velokota Mold Breaker
Tough Claws
63 94 79 110 46 68 460
Utabazai Battle Armor
Tough Claws
117 112 122 76 65 108 600
Sceptile Overgrow
70 85 65 120 105 85 530
Blaziken Blaze
Speed Boost
80 120 70 80 110 70 530