Version 0.3.2
Voyager New Moves

Rock Wrecker

Type Category PP Power Accuracy Description
5 150 90 Powerful, but leaves the user immobile the next turn.


Name Type Level Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Cyclobber 1 Oblivious
137 90 128 30 58 92 535
Rhyperior 1 Lightning Rod
Solid Rock
115 140 130 40 55 55 535
Rhyperior 69 Lightning Rod
Solid Rock
115 140 130 40 55 55 535
Dwebble 43 Sturdy
Shell Armor
Weak Armor
50 65 85 55 35 35 325
Crustle 55 Sturdy
Shell Armor
Weak Armor
70 105 125 45 65 75 485


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Espatch Magic Guard
Magic Bounce
64 66 134 42 111 133 550
Cyclobber Oblivious
137 90 128 30 58 92 535
Gravelisk Solid Rock
Rough Skin
72 97 125 103 53 65 515
Utabazai Battle Armor
Tough Claws
117 112 122 76 65 108 600
Rhyperior Lightning Rod
Solid Rock
115 140 130 40 55 55 535
Dwebble Sturdy
Shell Armor
Weak Armor
50 65 85 55 35 35 325
Crustle Sturdy
Shell Armor
Weak Armor
70 105 125 45 65 75 485