Version 0.3.2
Voyager New Moves
Name Type Category PP Power Accuracy Description
Night Shade 15 1 100 Inflicts damage identical to the user's level.
Confuse Ray 10 100 A sinister ray that confuses the foe.
Lick 30 30 100 Licks with a long tongue to injure. May also paralyze.
Nightmare 15 100 Inflicts 1/4 damage on a sleeping foe every turn.
Curse 10 0 A move that functions differently for Ghosts.
Spite 10 100 Spitefully cuts the PP of the foe's last move.
Destiny Bond 5 0 If the user faints, the foe is also made to faint.
Shadow Ball 15 80 100 Hurls a black blob that may lower the foe's Sp. Def.
Grudge 5 100 If the user faints, deletes all PP of foe's last move.
Astonish 15 40 100 An attack that may shock the foe into flinching.
Shadow Punch 20 60 0 An unavoidable punch that is thrown from shadows.
Shadow Claw 15 70 100 Strikes with a shadow claw. High critical-hit ratio.
Shadow Sneak 30 40 100 Extends the user's shadow to strike first.
Ominous Wind 5 60 100 A repulsive attack that may raise all stats.
Shadow Force 5 120 100 Vanishes on the first turn then strikes the next turn.
Hex 10 65 100 Does double damage if the foe has a status problem.
Phantom Force 10 90 100 Vanishes on the first turn then strikes the next turn.
Trick-or-Treat 20 100 Goes trick-or-treating making the foe Ghost-type.
Spirit Shackle 10 80 100 After being hit, foes can no longer escape.
Shadow Bone 10 85 100 Strikes with a haunted bone. Might drop Defense.
Spectral Thief 10 90 100 Steals the target's stat boosts, then attacks.
Moongeist Beam 5 100 100 A moon-powered beam that ignores abilities.
Poltergeist 5 110 90 Control foe's item to attack. Fails if foe has no item.
Astral Barrage 5 120 100 Strikes by sending a frightful amount of ghosts at foes.
Banshee Wail 10 90 100 A deafening shriek. It may cause flinching.
Seance Muse 5 100 Contacts spirits to heal raise Defs, and be taunted.
Wraith Wrath 10 120 100 Spirits rampage for 2-3 turns and confuse the user.
Eerie Terrain 10 0 Invert effectiveness, null protection, and boost Ghost.
Polar Shriek 15 75 100 Lets out a chilling shriek. May cause frostbite.
Drag To The Void 10 80 100 Drags the foe into darkness for one turn. May flinch.
Psykogenic Chill 15 85 Drains perception of warmth to inflict a frostbite.
Desecrated Tomb 10 0 Protects itself, inflicts a curse on contact.