Version 0.3.2
Voyager New Moves

Volt Tackle

Type Category PP Power Accuracy Description
15 120 100 A life-risking tackle that slightly hurts the user.


Name Type Level Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Photoguar 70 Overgrow
75 110 85 115 90 70 545


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Pichu Static
Lightning Rod
20 40 15 60 35 35 205


Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Attack Defense Speed SpAttack SpDefense Total
Photoguar Overgrow
75 110 85 115 90 70 545
Pichu Static
Lightning Rod
20 40 15 60 35 35 205
Pikachu Static
Lightning Rod
35 55 40 90 50 50 320
Raichu Static
Lightning Rod
60 90 55 110 90 80 485
Kinetichu Surge Surfer
Surge Surfer
60 85 50 110 95 85 485
Mafichu Defiant 60 120 55 110 90 65 500
Demichu Iron Fist 60 105 85 110 90 50 500
Fizzix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
38 33 50 50 54 100 325
Gravitomix Static
Cloud Nine
Arena Lock
65 30 59 81 95 210 540
Velokota Mold Breaker
Tough Claws
63 94 79 110 46 68 460
Utabazai Battle Armor
Tough Claws
117 112 122 76 65 108 600