Version 0.3.2
Keplara Native Species
Voyager Updated Species
Type HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense Total Abilities
Minitaur 54 78 60 67 34 57 350 Intimidate
Anger Point
Sheer Force
Maxhitaur 80 130 100 65 85 90 550 Intimidate
Anger Point
export_dot maxhitaur Maxhitaur minitaur Minitaur minitaur->maxhitaur Level 43

Egg group - FIELD

A furious bull. Even though it is just a baby, it has no issue trampling anything in front of its path.
One of the most deadly creatures that roams the Earth. It often carries an axe forged from the steel of the Gods.
Wild Encounters

Land (2):
Map Chance Level
Tharsis Terra 5% Lv. 23-25

Builder Tony
Aron Lv. 17
Metal Claw
Rock Tomb
Roggenrola Lv. 17
Sand Attack
Rock Blast
Minitaur Lv. 15
Work Up
Horn Attack
Collector Stephano
Minitaur Lv. 22
Horn Attack
Power-up Punch
Bulk Up
Goomy Lv. 22
Dragon Breath
Shuckle Lv. 24
Struggle Bug
Rock Throw
Naturalist Alejandro
Gabite Lv. 31
Take Down
Sand Tomb
Minitaur Lv. 30
Power-up Punch
Bulk Up
Flame Wheel
Dizzy Punch
Scyther Lv. 32
Wing Attack
Fury Cutter
Developer Klemniops
Maxhitaur Lv. 43
Simple Herb
No Retreat
Storm Throw
Play Rough
Flame Wheel
Frostidon Lv. 42
Dragon Breath
Polar Plunge
Aerophagus Lv. 43
Hard Stone
Destiny Bond
Shadow Ball
Power Gem
Dark Pulse
Griffogrif Lv. 44
Rocky Helmet
Eagle Eye
Grav Apple
Flying Press
Extreme Speed
Mountegrom Lv. 42
Reflector Helmet
Spirit Break
Sludge Bomb
Scorching Sands
Komodor Lv. 44
Rocky Helmet
Dragon Dance
Fire Lash
Poison Jab
Leader Luna
Porygon2 Lv. 44
Trick Room
Tri Attack
Zigglygruf Lv. 43
Brass Knuckles
Bulk Up
Dizzy Punch
Drain Punch
Snorlax Lv. 43
Heavy Slam
Azumarill Lv. 44
Sitrus Berry
Belly Drum
Aqua Tail
Sprite Smash
Mountegrom Lv. 44
Light Clay
Trick Room
Light Screen
Earth Power
Maxhitaur Lv. 46
White Herb
Bulk Up
Horn Leech
Sprite Smash
Guitarist Shawna
Heliolisk Lv. 39
Focus Sash
Dragon Pulse
Razor Wind
Negative Energy
Maxhitaur Lv. 39
Sitrus Berry
No Retreat
Storm Throw
Play Rough
Braviary Lv. 39
Scope Lens
Shadow Claw
Historian Adriel
Filtring Lv. 40
Custap Berry
Self Destruct
Heat Wave
Strange Steam
Sludge Bomb
Maxhitaur Lv. 40
Salac Berry
Flame Charge
Bulk Up
Play Rough
Storm Throw
Meganium Lv. 40
Light Clay
Light Screen
Energy Ball
Sprite Smash
Battle Frontier
Simple Herb Intimidate
No Retreat
Mean Look
Power-up Punch
Flame Wheel
Level-Up Moves
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Tackle 40 100 35
1 Work Up 0 30
8 Rage 20 100 20
9 Horn Attack 65 100 25
16 Power-up Punch 40 100 20
17 Bulk Up 0 20
24 Flame Wheel 60 100 25
25 Dizzy Punch 70 100 10
32 Retaliate 70 100 5
33 No Retreat 0 5
40 Play Rough 90 90 10
41 Submission 120 100 20
48 Mean Look 0 5
49 Sprite Smash 130 90 10
56 Megahorn 120 85 10
57 Last Resort 140 100 5
64 Wild Charge 90 100 15
65 Head Charge 120 100 15
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Evolve Storm Throw 60 100 10
1 Tackle 40 100 35
1 Work Up 0 30
8 Rage 20 100 20
9 Horn Attack 65 100 25
16 Power-up Punch 40 100 20
17 Bulk Up 0 20
24 Flame Wheel 60 100 25
25 Dizzy Punch 70 100 10
32 Retaliate 70 100 5
33 No Retreat 0 5
40 Play Rough 90 90 10
41 Submission 120 100 20
50 Mean Look 0 5
52 Sprite Smash 130 90 10
61 Megahorn 120 85 10
63 Last Resort 140 100 5
72 Blaze Kick 85 90 10
74 Head Smash 150 80 5
Egg Moves
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP Parents
Charm 100 20
False Surrender 80 0 10
Flail 1 100 15
Flame Charge 50 100 20
Headbutt 70 100 15
Horn Leech 75 100 10
Iron Head 80 100 15
Sinful Smash 120 100 15
Skull Bash 130 100 10
Stomping Tantrum 75 100 10
Swagger 85 15
Tutorable Moves
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Assurance 60 100 10
Attract 100 15
Bide 1 0 10
Body Slam 85 100 15
Bone Club 65 85 20
Branch Poke 40 100 40
Brick Break 75 100 15
Bulk Up 0 20
Bulldoze 60 100 20
Burning Jealousy 70 100 5
Captivate 100 20
Charm 100 20
Chip Away 70 100 20
Close Combat 120 100 5
Confide 0 20
Detect 0 5
Dizzy Punch 70 100 10
Double-Edge 120 100 15
Double Team 0 15
Drain Punch 75 100 10
Dynamic Punch 100 50 5
Ember 40 100 25
Endeavor 1 100 5
Endure 0 10
Enthrall 100 20
Facade 70 100 20
False Surrender 80 0 10
Fire Blast 110 85 5
Flail 1 100 15
Flame Burst 70 100 15
Flame Charge 50 100 20
Flame Wheel 60 100 25
Flamethrower 90 100 15
Fling 1 100 10
Focus Energy 0 30
Focus Punch 150 100 20
Force Palm 60 100 10
Frustration 1 100 20
Growl 100 40
Head Charge 120 100 15
Head Smash 150 80 5
Headbutt 70 100 15
Hidden Power 60 100 15
High Horsepower 95 95 10
Horn Attack 65 100 25
Horn Leech 75 100 10
Incinerate 60 100 15
Iron Head 80 100 15
Iron Tail 100 75 15
Joust 1 100 10
Karate Chop 50 100 25
Lash Out 75 100 5
Last Resort 140 100 5
Leer 100 30
Low Sweep 65 100 20
Mean Look 0 5
Megahorn 120 85 10
Mimic 0 10
Mud Bomb 65 85 10
Mud Shot 55 95 15
Mud-Slap 20 100 10
Mud Sport 100 15
Natural Gift 1 100 15
No Retreat 0 5
Odor Sleuth 0 40
Payback 50 100 10
Peck 35 100 35
Play Nice 0 20
Play Rough 90 90 10
Poison Jab 80 100 20
Power-up Punch 40 100 20
Protect 0 10
Punishment 60 100 5
Pursuit 40 100 20
Rage 20 100 20
Rain Dance 0 5
Retaliate 70 100 5
Return 1 100 20
Revenge 60 100 10
Reversal 1 100 15
Rock Blast 25 90 10
Rock Slide 75 90 10
Rock Smash 40 100 15
Rock Throw 50 90 15
Rock Tomb 60 95 15
Round 60 100 15
Sandstorm 0 10
Secret Power 70 100 20
Sharpen 0 30
Sinful Smash 120 100 15
Skull Bash 130 100 10
Sleep Talk 0 10
Smack Down 50 100 15
Smart Strike 70 0 10
Smelling Salts 70 100 10
Snore 50 100 15
Sprite Smash 130 90 10
Stomp 65 100 20
Stomping Tantrum 75 100 10
Strength 80 100 15
Submission 120 100 20
Substitute 0 10
Sunny Day 0 5
Swagger 85 15
Tackle 40 100 35
Tail Whip 100 30
Take Down 90 85 20
Thrash 120 100 10
Toxic 90 10
Trump Card 0 0 5
Wild Charge 90 100 15
Wish 100 10
Work Up 0 30
Zen Headbutt 80 90 15
Arm Thrust 15 100 20
Battle of Wits 80 100 10
Blaze Kick 85 90 10
Body Press 80 100 10
Circle Throw 60 90 10
Counter 1 100 20
Cross Chop 100 80 5
Darkest Lariat 85 100 10
Dragon Dance 0 20
Dragon Rush 100 75 10
Dual Chop 40 90 15
Earthquake 100 100 10
Eruption 150 100 5
Final Gambit 1 100 5
Flare Blitz 120 100 15
Focus Blast 120 70 5
Foul Play 95 100 15
Giga Impact 150 90 5
Hammer Arm 100 90 10
Heat Crash 1 100 10
Heavy Slam 1 100 10
Hyper Beam 150 90 5
Magnitude 1 100 30
Meteor Mash 90 90 10
Outrage 120 100 10
Overheat 130 90 5
Quick Guard 0 15
Rock Climb 90 85 20
Scary Face 100 10
Seismic Toss 1 100 20
Sky Uppercut 85 90 15
Spirit Break 75 100 15
Stone Edge 100 80 5
Storm Throw 60 100 10
Superpower 120 100 5
Throat Chop 80 100 15
Vital Throw 70 0 10
Wide Guard 0 10
Tutorable Abilities
Ability Description
Anger Point Critical hits raise Attack.
Anticipation Senses dangerous moves.
Bare Hands Powers up with no hold item.
Berserk Boosts Sp. Atk at low HP.
Combatize Normal moves become Fighting.
Competitive Lowered stats up Sp. Atk.
Defeatist Gives up at half HP.
Defiant Lowered stats up Attack.
Hustle Trades accuracy for power.
Insomnia Prevents sleep.
Intimidate Lowers the foe's Attack.
Iron Fist Boosts punching moves.
Justified Dark hits raise Attack.
Klutz Can't use hold items.
Limber Prevents paralysis.
Moody Stats change gradually.
Moxie KOs raise Attack.
Own Tempo Prevents confusion.
Quick Feet Ups Speed if suffering.
Reckless Boosts moves with recoil.
Rivalry Powers up against rivals.
Scrappy Hits Ghost-type Pokémon.
Sheer Force Trades effects for power.
Skill Link Multi-hit moves hit 5 times.
Slow Start Takes a while to get going.
Stall Always moves last.
Stamina Boosts Defense when hit.
Steadfast Flinching raises Speed.
Sturdy Negates 1-hit KO attacks.
Super Luck Critical hits land often.
Truant Moves only every two turns.
Unburden Using a hold item ups Speed.
Vital Spirit Prevents sleep.
Battle Armor Blocks critical hits.
Combat Surge Field becomes Tense.
Menace Lowers the foe's Sp. Atk.
Rock Head Prevents recoil damage.
Stalwart Ignores foe's redirection.