Version 0.3.2
Keplara Native Species
Voyager Updated Species
Type HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense Total Abilities
Silhou 30 60 40 155 30 75 390 Infiltrator
Run Away
Shadow Tag
Silgaunt 65 90 75 130 60 115 535 Infiltrator
Iron Fist
Shadow Tag

Sprites by big snort, dii_fbi, dillsacke, livra, ogwon, and painterly potatoes

Concept art by dillsacke and ogwon respectively

export_dot silgaunt Silgaunt silhou Silhou silhou->silgaunt Level 30 while holding BRASS_KNUCKLES silhou->silgaunt Level 30 while holding METAL_COAT

Egg group - AMORPHOUS

A gangly, sinuous glove. In place of a head, this creature has a hand with a central eye. Each finger has its own brain, and it can survive as long as two fingers are intact.
A serpentine creature with tough carapace jutting out from the knuckles that embody its face. Its fingertips are adept at mangling those it drags into the shadows.
Wild Encounters

Map Chance Level
Phobos Forest 20% Lv. 29-33
Phobos Forest 10% Lv. 32-36
Phobos Forest 5% Lv. 29-33

Map Chance Level
Phobos Forest 4% Lv. 37-39
Phobos Forest 4% Lv. 37-40
Phobos Forest 1% Lv. 37-40

Mysterious Trainer
Anphage Lv. 7
Silhou Lv. 8
Shadow Sneak
Vice Grip
Vaileye Lv. 8
Thunder Shock
Tearful Look
Cranisect Lv. 10
String Shot
Shadow Sneak
Fury Swipes
Mysterious Mebsuta
Bloodnaut Lv. 40
Tri Attack
Dark Pulse
Zap Cannon
Malamar Lv. 40
Light Screen
Foul Play
Silgaunt Lv. 40
Drag To The Void
Shadow Sneak
Hammer Arm
Battle Frontier
Brass Knuckles Infiltrator
Destiny Bond
Power-up Punch
Dizzy Punch
Shadow Punch
Level-Up Moves
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Shadow Sneak 40 100 30
1 Teleport 0 20
7 Vice Grip 55 100 30
9 Snatch 100 10
15 Comet Punch 18 85 15
17 Power-up Punch 40 100 20
23 Shadow Punch 60 0 20
25 Drag To The Void 80 100 10
31 Mega Punch 80 85 20
33 Phantom Force 90 100 10
39 Pain Split 0 20
41 Fake Out 40 100 10
47 Focus Punch 150 100 20
49 Minimize 0 10
55 First Impression 90 100 10
57 Baton Pass 0 40
63 No Retreat 0 5
65 Shadow Force 120 100 5
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Evolve Hammer Arm 100 90 10
1 Shadow Sneak 40 100 30
1 Teleport 0 20
7 Vice Grip 55 100 30
9 Snatch 100 10
15 Comet Punch 18 85 15
17 Power-up Punch 40 100 20
23 Shadow Punch 60 0 20
25 Drag To The Void 80 100 10
31 Mega Punch 80 85 20
33 Phantom Force 90 100 10
39 Pain Split 0 20
41 Crush Grip 1 100 5
47 Focus Punch 150 100 20
49 Bulk Up 0 20
55 First Impression 90 100 10
57 Meteor Mash 90 90 10
63 No Retreat 0 5
65 Shadow Force 120 100 5
Tutorable Moves
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
After You 0 15
Agility 0 30
Ally Switch 0 15
Arm Thrust 15 100 20
Assurance 60 100 10
Baton Pass 0 40
Bestow 0 15
Bide 1 0 10
Block 0 5
Brick Break 75 100 15
Brutal Swing 90 100 20
Chip Away 70 100 20
Close Combat 120 100 5
Combat Terrain 0 10
Comet Punch 18 85 15
Confide 0 20
Counter 1 100 20
Curse 0 10
Destiny Bond 0 5
Detect 0 5
Disable 100 20
Dizzy Punch 70 100 10
Double Slap 15 85 10
Double Team 0 15
Drag To The Void 80 100 10
Drain Punch 75 100 10
Dynamic Punch 100 50 5
Eerie Terrain 0 10
Embargo 100 15
Endure 0 10
Extrasensory 80 100 20
Facade 70 100 20
Faint Attack 60 0 20
Fake Out 40 100 10
Feint 30 100 10
Final Gambit 1 100 5
Fire Punch 75 100 15
First Impression 90 100 10
Fling 1 100 10
Focus Energy 0 30
Focus Punch 150 100 20
Follow Me 100 20
Force Palm 60 100 10
Forests Curse 100 20
Frustration 1 100 20
Grass Knot 1 100 20
Gravity 0 5
Guard Split 0 10
Guard Swap 0 10
Heal Block 100 15
Helping Hand 100 20
Ice Punch 75 100 15
Imprison 100 10
Knock Off 65 100 20
Laser Focus 0 30
Last Resort 140 100 5
Low Sweep 65 100 20
Mach Punch 40 100 30
Magic Room 0 10
Marvel Room 0 10
Mega Punch 80 85 20
Metronome 0 10
Mimic 0 10
Mind Reader 0 5
Minimize 0 10
Morbid Terrain 0 10
Mud-Slap 20 100 10
Natural Gift 1 100 15
Night Shade 1 100 15
No Retreat 0 5
Pain Split 0 20
Pay Day 40 100 20
Phantom Force 90 100 10
Poison Jab 80 100 20
Poltergeist 110 90 5
Pound 40 100 35
Power Split 0 10
Power Swap 0 10
Power-up Punch 40 100 20
Protect 0 10
Psybeam 65 100 20
Psych Up 0 10
Psychic 90 100 10
Punishment 60 100 5
Pursuit 40 100 20
Quash 100 15
Quick Attack 40 100 30
Quick Guard 0 15
Rage 20 100 20
Recycle 100 10
Rest 0 10
Retaliate 70 100 5
Return 1 100 20
Revenge 60 100 10
Reversal 1 100 15
Rock Smash 40 100 15
Rock Throw 50 90 15
Round 60 100 15
Sand Attack 100 15
Secret Power 70 100 20
Shadow Ball 80 100 15
Shadow Force 120 100 5
Shadow Punch 60 0 20
Shadow Sneak 40 100 30
Skill Swap 0 10
Skitter Smack 70 90 10
Sleep Talk 0 10
Smelling Salts 70 100 10
Snatch 100 10
Snore 50 100 15
Speed Swap 0 10
Spikes 0 20
Spirit Shackle 80 100 10
Spite 100 10
Splash 0 40
Strength 80 100 15
Substitute 0 10
Sucker Punch 70 100 5
Superpower 120 100 5
Swagger 85 15
Switcheroo 100 10
Taunt 100 20
Teleport 0 20
Thief 60 100 25
Thrash 120 100 10
Throat Chop 80 100 15
Thunder Punch 75 100 15
Tickle 100 20
Torment 100 15
Toxic 90 10
Toxic Spikes 0 20
Trick 100 10
Trick Room 0 5
U-turn 70 100 20
Vice Grip 55 100 30
Wake-Up Slap 70 100 10
Wonder Room 0 10
Wraith Wrath 120 100 10
Bulk Up 0 20
Bullet Punch 40 100 30
Circle Throw 60 90 10
Crabhammer 100 90 10
Crush Grip 1 100 5
Dragon Hammer 90 100 15
Focus Blast 120 70 5
Giga Impact 150 90 5
Guillotine 1 30 5
Hammer Arm 100 90 10
Hyper Beam 150 90 5
Ice Hammer 100 90 10
Meteor Mash 90 90 10
Sky Uppercut 85 90 15
Storm Throw 60 100 10
Vital Throw 70 0 10
Tutorable Abilities
Ability Description
Adaptability Boosts same type attacks.
Aftermath Fainting damages the foe.
Ball Fetch Fetches failed Poké Ball.
Bare Hands Powers up with no hold item.
Cursed Body Disables moves on contact.
Eerie Surge Field becomes Eerie.
Emergency Exit Flees at half HP.
Frisk Checks a foe's item.
Immunity Prevents poisoning.
Infiltrator Passes through barriers.
Insomnia Prevents sleep.
Iron Fist Boosts punching moves.
Limber Prevents paralysis.
Mimicry Changes type on terrain.
No Guard Ensures that all moves hit.
Own Tempo Prevents confusion.
Perish Body Foe faints in 3 turns if hit.
Pickup May pick up items.
Poison Heal Restores HP if poisoned.
Run Away Makes escaping easier.
Screen Cleaner Removes walls of light.
Shadow Tag Prevents the foe's escape.
Skill Link Multi-hit moves hit 5 times.
Soundproof Avoids sound-based moves.
Technician Boosts weaker moves.
Terrorize Normal moves become Ghost.
Trace Copies special ability.
Truant Moves only every two turns.
Unburden Using a hold item ups Speed.
Unnerve Foes can't eat Berries.
Battle Armor Blocks critical hits.
Full Metal Body Prevents stat reduction.
Heavy Metal Doubles weight.
Iron Barbs Hurts to touch.
Light Metal Halves weight.
Moxie KOs raise Attack.
Rock Head Prevents recoil damage.
Rough Skin Hurts to touch.
Sheer Force Trades effects for power.
Stalwart Ignores foe's redirection.
Steelworker Powers up Steel moves.