Version 0.3.2
Back to the fork in the road in
Tharsis Terra
Gym badge in hand, you're ready to deliver the Proteus Plans.
Well... you don't actually need the gym badge yet, if you'd rather
do this part first. You'll have to get it before you challenge Luna, though!
The most streamlined way to go is to head due west to the
Proteus Plant
You can follow Pytheas and Kitalpha to Phobos Forest first, but you're better
off waiting. Your rival will even happen to be in the way to discourage you.
He's also heading to the
Proteus Plant
Once you're there, navigate the main building to the supply closet where
you'll find Gabriella, the construction lead and receipient of the Proteus Plans.
She'll show you a new Pokemon technique as thanks!
On your way out, you can learn yet another Pokemon technique: spark!
Now you can mess with the circuits within the plant if you want to spend
some time collecting the items inside (optional).
Otherwise, head outside to help Gabriella disperse some of the wild
Pokemon so that construction can proceed.
Once you're outside, construction begins. As the workers began to take down
a tree from the bordering
Phobos Forest
, some wild Pokemon attack!
After defending against the attack, you're free to go. Now that you can
illuminate dark areas,
Phobos Forest
is much less daunting.
Once you arrive in
Phobos Forest
, you'll run into Pytheas and Kitalpha
again. Their brief experiment confirms their intuition from
Enceladus Cavern
. Unfortunately, they're not equipped to make it any further
into the forest right now - but you are.
Set up
Psychic Terrain
and you'll detect
danger before it happens. With this, you can intercept the
attacks before they drag you back to the forest entrance.
It's time for a lengthy journey through the forest, where many things want to kill you.
Stock up on healing items, set up your protective barrier, and get going!
The first room has several
in it, and has a totem
battle at the end.
In the second room, you will be assaulted by
. These creepy Pokemon will spot you
through the darkness to launch a surprise attack. If you keep your
Psychic Terrain
active, then you'll detect the strike
before it happens - they'll just attack normally, and then flee. Either way,
they're going to drain your resources whenever they see you. Put a fast Pokemon
as your lead battler so you can defeat them before they flee.
There are still a few
lurking in the second
room, so be careful with your
Psychic Terrain
avoid being dragged back to the entrance!
Lying in wait at the end of the room is a totem
This place really does not want you there!
Lying in wait at the end of the room is a totem
This place really does not want you there!
The third room adds another layer of things trying to kill you.
In addition to a few
there are some wandering
which will attack when they get close to you!
The third room culminates in a "gauntlet" at the end.
There's one last
, another totem
and totem
, and one of the
that's been sniping at you finally stops running away!
Finally! You're out of that hellscape! But... where exactly are you?
It's not exactly clear how a whole village manages to exist within
the forest. Maybe you'll learn more? Word travels fast that there's
a visitor (one can only imagine why) and someone named Mebsuta
will introduce themselves. Naturally, they're curious as to how
you managed to find them.
Whether or not you choose to be a friendly visitor,
your quest follows essentially the same path. The village council
will interrogate you, and it's not too much of a surprise that they're
very interested in the rogue, whom they know as
Cyphon. The council doesn't exactly trust you, but they're
kind enough to let you rest up while they figure out what to do
with you and what you've told them.
Leave the chapel. Mebsuta notices you arrive and stops you for a chat.
The chat doesn't last long. A pair of the creatures which illuminate
the village,
, are spontaneously
evolving into something rather unfriendly! Team up with Mebsuta
to stop this alien threat.
It's safe to say this place has some issues. How could it not?
Head back into the chapel. The council is ready to deliver their verdict.
They have decided to let you leave, with an expectation that's...
not exactly reasonable. Time to leave! You can go back through
Phobos Forest
if you want, but the recommended path is through another tunnel through
Ascraeus Mons
on the east side of the village.
This passage spits you on on
Lynx Road
, to the east of
Andromeda Villa
Head west to go home, where you can challenge your mother for the next
gym badge!
Finally, back to civilization! The one we're familiar with, anyway.
Head to the 6th floor of the PokeMegaPlex. As you might recall from the prologue,
that's where your mom's gym has set up shop!
Before you enter the gym, there's some interesting shopping to do.
A few botanists will sell you all kinds of berries, and there's a few
interesting move tutors to spruce up your team.
In this gym, you'll climb your way up to the 10th floor through a series
of small puzzles. The trainers here generally use Normal- and Fairy-type
Pokemon, with some exceptions.
There are lots of trainers looking for a challenge.
You can avoid almost all of them, but there is one mandatory battle on
the 7th, 8th, and 9th floors respectively.
Lavish Lass Rory
Maiden Talia
Rival Rival
These mandatory trainers are tougher than the others.
Each of them has a strategy that confers an additional advantage
in a rotation battle. Even your rival!
Your other optional rival also makes an appearance in the gym.
The inverse battle illusionist will give you an
when you defeat her.
Illusionist Rarai
After these tough trainers, there's nothing left between you and
gym leader Luna!
Leader Luna
That's a wrap on version 0.3! We hope you enjoyed playing!
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